~The Gang
So why are we writing a blog? What do we bring to the table that makes us any different from the menagerie of yuppies that currently inundates the internet? Probably nothing, and probably everything. Our little trio gets into some pretty crazy adventures, sometimes deliberately, sometimes sitcom-style. We love telling stories and sharing the embarrassing or awesome things that happen to, and around us. Not only are our stories pretty fun, they’re cheap AS SHIT. We’ll share these tidbits of “on the cheap” ideas with our ride-or-die readers.
So why are we writing a blog? What do we bring to the table that makes us any different from the menagerie of yuppies that currently inundates the internet? Probably nothing, and probably everything. Our little trio gets into some pretty crazy adventures, sometimes deliberately, sometimes sitcom-style. We love telling stories and sharing the embarrassing or awesome things that happen to, and around us. Not only are our stories pretty fun, they’re cheap AS SHIT. We’ll share these tidbits of “on the cheap” ideas with our ride-or-die readers.
We have great taste—we’re super humble—most
of the time, and when we have bad
taste, it’s usually cringe-worthy and worth a look. Carissa has a slight amazon addiction, and
rates the things she buys. We all eat out too much, as is the millennial curse,
and we rate/review those places, and we watch DUMB shows, so we’ll tell you how
we feel about those.
We like
to think we’re clever, so we’ll probably write some musings or other bullshit
like that. We post pictures of our dumb costumes and crazy make-ups and give
tutorials and how-to guides for those as well.
We’re going to write this crap whether you read it or not.
We’re bored millennials that have to find something interesting to do between
brunches and craft beers. You may as well read, because you’re bored too, and likely
supposed to be doing something better right now. We got you. We hope you enjoy wasting time with us.